Friday, January 16, 2009

I Think My Kittens Are Broken

My kittens are broken & I just have to get used to it.
Maybe it is because they were adopted.
I had to tell them; with all the tough questions, it was getting kinda awkward.
However, I think that this knowledge has dredged up a lot of buried trauma.
Their abandonment issues stem from an afternoon spent in cardboard box outside of a Jon's supermarket with "Free Kittens" scrawled on the box & the loss of "Mom" -- who maybe some imaginary or mythical figure, I don't know.
Yeah, a Jon's supermarket ... not Von's -- Jon's ... pretty abject; I'm not sure but I think Food 4 Less and Smart & Final are more upmarket than Jon's.

Otto, the boy cat, has bad dreams.
You can hear him whimpering in his sleep at least once a day. It's heartbreaking.
When he wakes up, he's all whimpery and needs a good five minutes of soothing before he visits the food bowl.
Also, he has this OBSESSIVE thing about Q-Tips.
He knocks over the dispenser in the bathroom and then takes one into the bathtub to chew on.
If I'm working at the computer -- which happens, there's a thesis to write -- he drops the Q-Tip between my back & the back of the chair then starts digging at it. Otto can often be found just tooling around with a Q-Tip in his mouth. I don't think it's safe, but if I take it away from him, he just gets another. I've removed the Q-Tip dispenser to a drawer where his lack of opposable thumbs render it inaccessible, but he's got a secret stash squirreled away somewhere.

Iris, the girl cat, sleeps okay,
but she can only snuggle with you for a couple of minutes before she has to go and "nurse" from her bed.
There's a little patch on it's inside that she suckles on as she kneads the side of her bed with her paws. Also that's where she naps all day. ALL day, I think she's depressed.

Like I said, my kittens are broken & I just have to get used to it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Popular Literatures,
like fairy tales & their modern counterparts, comic books,
can be appropriate repositories for certain archetypal projections,
such as those which are used to construct gender role stereotypes.

The issue becomes problematic
when we consider that these projections
can then inform, if not completely determine,
our own personal construction of gender identities.


The New Lysurgens

Do you enjoy mystery?
check it before the Man shuts it down:

There are new adventures in narrative
that challenge our notions of authorship,
Rhine Wine, the legacy of Disco
and the primacy of language over images.

Where will it all end?
And can we even imagine an ending point,
if we have no idea where the hell we are now?

These, and so many more questions,
keep the greatest minds of my generation
up at night when they aren't wondering
"where the hell are the rolling papers?"
eh, use the corner of the map,
it's practically useless anyhow...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Enjoying Cultural Imperialism

What an artifact.
Surf-music motifs slip into traditional Japanese structures
bathed in delicious spring reverb.
The Spacemen:
One would have to be in outer space
in order to have the perspective that makes this masterpiece possible
A subtle mind-melter.
I found it & wanted to share.
Download link can be found in comments.
You might need to get "zipeg" to unlock it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is There Some Sort Of Problem?

It pretty much all goes back to Kant & Saussere.
Kant proposed that we experience everything only within consciousness,
Any zenster could have told him that, but I digress ...
he then went on to identify the fundamental mental processes involved
and live an incredibly rigid & scheduled life.
Saussere, after racking his brain for ages, discovered that words do not have any significance -- other than that which we ascribe to them.
So, we end up without any objective reality,
and a dubious tool to communicate our subjective experience.
Now, try applying these notions to the political conversation going on around us.
Decisions must be made, I concede,
but upon what do we base the foundation of our decisioning making?
Could be a problem ...
The following two films illustrate these points.
The first is a documentary about a 2002 coup attempt in Venezuela.
The second film points out the first film's supposed "lies."
You gotta love our postmodern condition!

Can any of us say anything about things we have not personally experienced
with anything resembling authority?
I guess that I'm trying to say,
more than likely, they are not,
in any real sense,
your own.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The View Through My Bathroom Window #1

and when the sun set,
there were all these psychedelic lights,
block-rockin' reggaeton,
and out-of-their-mind three year-olds.

but those photos didn't come out vey well.

have a splendid Memorial Day & THANK A VET.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fright Night Feature

Horror Hotel

The unsung American "Wickerman."

Instead of stumbling upon British Pagans,

it's New England's Witches & Devil Worshipers.

There are obvious parallels to "Psycho" as well.

This film features one of the first instances of the
Zombie James Dean motif.

An aesthetic tour-de-force:

Expressionistic & Minimal.

The whole film is available on YouTube
in eight parts.

Click HERE to see part one in another window.